Search Results

Results for "submediums: Films - Feature,Films - Special Interest,Films - Documentary,Films - Foreign,Films - Animated,Films - Television,Features - Film, main_practice: You, latest_content: 1"
Nomadland The remarkable odyssey of a feisty woman who finds community and her true self in her home on the road.
Alone with Her Dreams (Picciridda - Con i piedi nella sabia) A well-wrought and memorable coming-of-age drama.
The Woman Who Ran The uses of conversation revealed in three visits to old friends.
The Burnt Orange Heresy A character-driven drama about the art world and the glamorous and deceptive people who inhabit it.
Critical Thinking Inspiring true story that proves that the game of chess can be a path to self-esteem and mastery for youth of any background.
I'm Thinking of Ending Things A psychologically complex and macabre exploration of identity, family, memory, and much more.
The Argument A spunky comedy about a couple trying to finally settle an argument.
Made in Bangladesh An inspiring portrait of a persistent and resilient young woman fighting for workers' rights in a garment factory.
The Tobacconist Story of a boy whose coming-of-age includes becoming friends with Sigmund Freud.
The Sunlit Night An exquisitely rendered tale of an artist's loneliness and starting over again.